Featured on Style Me Pretty!
Hip Hip Hooray! Today we are featured on the front page of Style Me Pretty! What a beautiful celebration! The sweet words written from our bride, Cassie, are just icing on the cake. It is our honor and privilege to get to be in the business of making dreams come true!

Photo by: Apryl Ann Photography
"When my husband Scotty and I started looking for a wedding venue after we got engaged... It seemed impossible to find what I wanted. We ended up finding The Grove a few months after the engagement with the help of our wedding planner and The Grove was still in its building stages. Me and my husband LOVED how big the venue was and how much land was available to us. We had our hearts set on an outdoor wedding and this was the place. No one else had this much land, trees, and quietness to offer. The ladies of the day, besides just me as the bride, had plenty of room to hang out and get ready in the very roomy bridal suite/small side house. It was incredible! The owners (Brian and Susan) were MORE than helpful. Brian drove me all over the property for pictures after the ceremony with my husband and photographer. Which he definitely didn't have to do, but wanted to help. They were just the sweetest people and seemed invested in us after all of our meetings and visits. We had a magically perfect wedding and ceremony. It's hard for me to even put it into words how happy we were/are with how it went. We were allowed to put lights outdoors in the trees and it was so special for us for it to come together and have so many guests say so many nice things about the feel and ambiance of the wedding. This venue is definitely a must see!!! Wish I could re live the day over and over. If we ever renew our vows down the road....we know where we are going! Thank you Brian and Susan for being the people you are and for building a beautiful venue on your amazing land. Say hi to our cow friends! We'll come play with them anytime you'd like!"